Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wooden Beer Barrels India

Sony PMW F3 - Sony introduces its new Digital Camcorder

Sure, it would seem to see a room "entry level" as there are many on the market. But no. The F3 to being much more.

The first indicator that tells us that the PMW F3 is not an "entry level" is the price: 15,000 euros for only body (thus excluding optical).

The F3 camera for film began as a "low budget". Here are the main features:

- Super 35mm sensor Full Frame Film
- MPEG-2 long-GOP a 4:2:0 sampling
- record up to 1080 / 30p on SxS
- variable bit rate from 25MB / s to 35MB / s
- HD-SDI dual link

Yes, these are the specs on paper do not thrill when you consider the price at which the room is being proposed. The F3 then enter into the family of XDCAM. But before drawing any conclusion, we see images that makes F3:

Without a doubt, together with optical high-level, F3 produces images of high-level .
This is due mainly to the Super 35mm sensor that the camera mounts.

To be fair also writes that we have not had a chance to try the camera. Will we only realize after next week and an article on the subject.

First impressions are those of a great room, but too high a price. F3
The fact is nothing but a copy of the PMW-EX3, but instead of the sensor 1 / 2 inch, the sensor Full Frame film.

course: it is not little. On the contrary: the size of the sensor is certainly one of the most important elements in a room, but does not justify the price. The PMW-EX3
it costs 8,500 euros, including lens and an 8GB SxS card recording.

The F3 Euro 6500 costs more (without lens, it boards which are to be purchased separately) and on paper, than the PMW-EX3, the sensor has only wider.

Per onestà va comunque detto che la PMW-F3, grazie alle uscite HD-SDI dual link è in grado di registrare le immagini a 10bit con campionatura 4:2:2 o 4:4:4, con un bit-rate di 440mb/s, anche se va detto che anche EX3, tramite l'uscite HD-SDI, può registrare a 4:2:2.

Va sottolineato che il registratore in questione per flussi 4:2:2, di cui si sa ancora poco, ma che è previsto in uscita a breve, sembra (e sottolineamo "sembra") che costerà almeno quanto la Sony F3.

Dunque, se fosse vero, con una spesa di 30.000 Euro (a cui andrebbero aggiunte ottiche, una batteria e almeno un paio di schede di registrazione) per una spesa total close to 40,000 Euros, it would certainly have a room in a position to make great images, but a disproportionate price compared to what the market is offering.

So this is a room for making films. It is not a camera for video-productions and the intent is to put Sony in competition with RED, which is putting out its new models (now announced more than two years ago): RED RED SCARLET and EPIC.

Both models in RED are forthcoming, on paper, much better performance of the new Sony PMW F3, is as characteristic as well as prices. RED SCARLET
The fact that starts with two basic models, body only, cost rispettivamente 7.000 Dollari (meno della metà della nuova F3) e 9.5000 Dollari, entrambe in grado di registrare sia a 2k, che 4k. La Sony F3, è il caso di ricordarlo, non registra neanche a 2k.

Certo: anche le RED vanno molto accessoriate. Ma ripetiamo: anche se non ancora sul mercato, ci sembra che aspettare RED consenta di avere un prodotto nettamente migliore (almeno sulla carta) a un prezzo anche più basso.

La prossima settimana proveremo la F3 e allora, dopo averla toccata con mano, la valuteremo.
Quello che ci sentiamo di dire già fin d'ora è che la F3 sembra un'ottima macchina able to make images of very high quality. But when we leave the price really puzzled.


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