Dante Alighieri in Positano: cultural and historical digressions.
The meeting included the reading and discussion of the twenty-first canto of Paradise, which is the monastic orders, and a report on the work of the Benedictine abbey of Positano, as the priest explained Giulio Caldiero, entertainer of the evening.
Professor Raffaele Pecoraro introduced the topic with rebuilding documented analysis of the roots and developments Benedictine to Dante and illustrated by a historical point of view, literary and philological steps of the twenty-first hand.
Professor Roberto Sacchetti has played the same song, then led a brief discussion of the monastic orders in the Middle Ages. Close reading of Peter Damian, John of Salisbury and Abelard has reconstructed the different relationship of the religious with the scientific knowledge, citing the twenty-sixth recalled the suffering of Hell Dante oscillation between the old theological limit to human knowledge and the anxiety of modern research represented in the character of Ulysses, by calling a page in the social history of art to Hauser noted the link between the Carolingian Renaissance and the fervor fostered by cultural monastic orders, citing Boccaccio and Umberto Eco led the audience that filled the hall of the Hotel Savoy to relive the atmosphere of a time crossed by many mystical experiences, retching reform and corruption, often with images referring to the current sensitivity.
( Professor in the photo. Roberto Sacchetti )
(From the History of Positano - Camera - Talamo - Vespoli)
In 1309, the death of Charles II d'Angio ', said the "Giotto and the Lame" was succeeded by his son Robert, "The King of discourse" as Dante called it the eighth song Paradise, who received the investiture of King of Naples and Germany by Pope Clement 5 °. Positano arranged at the request of that force were held in customs that had repealed an earlier provision directing, in fact considered serious intrarcioabolirle (cum sit grave damnum consuetudines abolish.
Positano The crews, led by Black, to which the following year joined other ships of Amalfi, the districts began to harass her friends, so much so that Charles Martel, King of Hungary, celebrated by Dante in Canto 8 th and 9 th of Paradis, ordered William de Mari, captain of Amalfi , to prohibit this form of piracy in 1294
Charles Martel went to Florence, where he met his parents returning from France. On this occasion, to welcome it with all the honors of the event, the Tuscan city sent a delegation which apparently was part of Dante Alighieri.
In any case it seems almost certain that the great poet and the young prince Angevin have got to know and appreciate each other in person, due to the fact that they share the same tastes letterari.Dante dedicated to Charles Hammer a long piece of the Divine Comedy (PD 31-148 VIII and IX PD 1-12 [1]) which tells the intense encounter which the poet imagines to have with the soul of the prince in the third heaven (Sky of Venus) of Paradise: The Benedictine Abbey of St.
Vito and Santa Maria di Positano
June 23 915 the Saracens destroy Paestum. I took refuge in Paestum Positano (pasa tanaos, across rugged land, lying, long, slender - Poseidon Neptune Pasitea nymph loved by Neptune Posides, freedman of the Emperor Tiberius Claudius - Posa Posa -) selecting as the home not the capital, but the village of Laura, Montepertuso Nocelle, which land was a fief of the Abbey of St. Vito Positano (According to the Martyrology Geronimiano Vito expected to live by the river Sele in Lucania, and even today is remembered by the faithful of the place as San Vito di Lucania. At Sele, Tenimento Eburum in the ancient, now Eboli he was martyred, probably in the year 303, together with the preceptor and nurse Saint Crescentia St. Modesto, during the persecution of Diocletian. Even today, at the place of martyrdom, which is indicated by tradition, the church of San Vito al Sele. All municipalities in the Valle del Sele (Eboli, Paestum, Sapri, Caposele, Calabritto, Senerchia, Oliveto Citra, glue, etc..) Have, in memory of the martyr, or a zone or a church or a picture dedicated to him, still witness current primitive cult that Vito was in these areas and then spread throughout Christendom).
The arrival of other Roman people, fleeing after the fall of the empire, and thereafter Basilian monks from the East, gave rise to the first urban centers.
Don Giulio, Professor. Raffaele Pecoraro and prof. Roberto Sacchetti during the "cultural salon" on Dante Alighieri in Positano: Historical Cultural Digressions at the Savoy Hotel .
Don Giulio during his speech at the meeting culture du Dante Alighieri, the Hotel Savoy last night in Positano .
The sacred building was built for the first time in Brazilian monks, around the seventh century, on the 'altar - you can admire a famous icon of the so-called Black Madonna Positano of the twelfth century. It would come directly from the Amalfi Coast 'East, following the' BEGINNING 's Iconoclasm (eighth century)
Emperor Isaurico 725. Saracen incursions
The parchment of June 14, 1159 (in 2009 we celebrated 850 years since the arrival Byzantine icon), ancient document of the dedication of the church of St. Badiale Maria di Positano. The parchment is attacked by a string, a seal bearing the image of a face of a saint with a halo, mustache, beard, cross in left hand and, on the sides of the head two letters S and A, it is S . Andrea, on the other, and the legend: IOHES_ ARCHIEPS / Amalfi / + (2). Il testo recita così: ANNI DOMINI MILLESIMO CENTESIMO QUINQUAGESIMO NONO. INDICTIONE SEPTIMA AMALFI. EGO IOHANNES/ DEI GRATIA AMALFITANORUM ARCHIEPISCOPUS. DEDICAVI HANC ECCLESIAM AD HONOREM BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS. QUARTO DECIMO DIE INTRANTE MENSE IUNII .
Il vescovo Giovanni beneventano fu eletto nel 1142.
Il prof Roberto Sacchetti legge Dante
Nel 1127 re Ruggiero II s’impadronì del ducato di Amalfi, lasciando alla costiera i propri diritti, privilegi e statuti per accattivarsi le simpatie e l’appoggio dei monaci benedettini dell’abadia di S. Maria di Positano, dando, politicamente, i casali di Montepertuso, Nocelle degree in vassalaggio abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Vito Positano.
The day concluded with the Doctor Diego Guarino, commenting in a precise manner, competent and a projection technique that summed up the difficult restoration works of the Benedictine Abbey of Positano, performed with appropriate and modern. Finally, Don Julius
recalled the next round of Palm Sunday, April 17, at 20, with an American representation on the Passion of Mary, written and directed by Professor Roberto Sacchetti.

In his very cleverly also said: "The importance of architectural and monumental re-training is at least threefold: to provide a space 1.possibilità suited for the construction of the Museum of Positano, divided between the two crypts recovered and the Church of the Oratory;
2.ampliamento, through the restoration of local history to which the structures are closely related; 3.occasione happy to get impact at both the tourist and cultural.
These are the main objectives of the museum to be implemented in the prestigious areas of relevance to the Mother Church: religious building that in its original structure dates from the twelfth century and that in its present configuration is the result of a
series of transformations documented in the seventeenth century.
The recovery of these spaces is a need felt by the Municipal Administration for several years now, for two reasons: to restore dignity to rooms whose history is closely linked to the country's main religious site, create a sequence showing the exhibition ' old and broken-even to the most unknown - history of Positano
through its most significant milestones: the prehistoric era, the caves in the Mesolithic, the Greek era,
the myth of the Sirens, the Roman era, the villas of the Bay Positano and the Gallo Lungo, the wreckage in the sea of \u200b\u200bPositano, archaeological items reused, the time Medieval (churches, mills, towers), pottery votive scattered in the streets and are held in homes, the paintings of artist-donated foreign travelers to the town of Positano.
's commitment to what has re-emerged from the work carried out between November 2003 and
September 2007 must necessarily arrive at the completion of
work that will harness a piece of extraordinary importance for the history of Positano and the UNESCO World Heritage. The careful analysis of the motivations that have influenced the progress of work allows us to understand how each was complex implementation. As mentioned above
environments intended for use by museum del pubblico
sono la Cripta superiore, quella inferiore, la Chiesa dell’Oratorio e ulteriori annessi.
L’intento è di predisporre nella cripta più grande un percorso espositivo cronologico dei materiali e, nell’altra, la definizione stratigrafica e architettonica delle strutture complesso monumentale.
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