Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Car Cruising Street Games

With winds that blow strong Sanremo festival, talk more than to once again make plutonium defecate stones songs proposals of questionable of comedians presented and cachet of catastrophic taxpayer-paid average - I'm around to the cheers are for 250 thousand bananas paid (it seems) to Benigni, the last time he had satisfied just to sing a song (shit) for his wife - would be a waste of our already shameful useless time.
No, our concerns right now are very different. The more powerful of the Torah, the writings of Nostradamus more jinx, the most terrible of the Necronomicon (excommunication part) continue to terrorize the texts of Pregadio Alfonso Marra. That this little man really is useless bearer of incontrovertible truth for our miserable world? This doubt assails us and haunts us. Anyone who comes into contact with these texts is brought to the madness just like the monks of the Benedictine monastery of The Name of the Rose and get to play some meaningless phrases in those eyes that just seem inattentive simple book trailer. Before the duchess mammellodontica Arcuri, then Ass Lele Mora and now it's even Rubentina to warn us that, like a novel Cassandra, however, more naked, unable to send its raw feeds and visions of the future glimpsed between the lines of Marra and the escape from the mouth, alas, only the galactic shit. After all that ass even with the stuttering the daughter of the great bard himself had tried to warn the people della rete con un finto spot pubblicitario, in cui vaneggiava di una scoperta che cambierà profondamente il contesto umano.
E' quindi con la morte nel cuore (ed un prolasso genitale imminente) che ci chiediamo chi sarà il prossimo a cadere nella rete dell'Abate Napolebano Marra? Al momento, stando ai rumours che le nostre faine da notizia hanno annusato in giro per la rete, i più accreditati di questo patetico totomarra sono nell'ordine:

- Novello Novelli , il quale, interpellato dai nostri adepti, risponde all'eventualità di una richiesta con un laconico " So una sega io di chi l'è codesto Marra!"
- Walter Sobchak, but his ears still ringing us for having insisted that never registers a spot on Saturday as SHOMMER Shabbos!
- Jimmy the phenomenon, but one of his last video it broke my heart so much that citeremmo Marra savage cruelty if he was really his first choice
- Aristide fennel, aka Skeletor , but stresses the need to first conquer Eternia;
- the Contessa Serbelloni Viendalmare Mazzanti, which already gaily prepares a bottle of Dom Perignon and an ax with which cut off the little finger with the first high priest pastoral ring that happen before. Il tutto partendo, ovviamente, da una distanza di 76 metri.


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