Monday, February 21, 2011

Cervical Mucus Ovulation Blog

: mime, the street artist ...

Il 2 novembre del 2007 già ve ne parlai ma allora avevo solktanto un paio di foto... nel frattempo ne ho realizzate altre... godetevele...
IL MIMO è un attore che interpreta azioni sceniche mimate. It 's a theatrical genre originating in' Ancient Greece. The 'artist uses only the gestures and the word never. In recent times
the streets of historic city centers is easy trovarseli faced while playing a literary or historical figure, a famous monument like the Statue of Liberty in New York or the Sphinx, an action or state of mind. .
This new form of theater is called the living statue. Stand still for hours in the exact same pose, then in the jar if you put a coin next to it, thank you with an imperceptible smile or a wink. "I do not know how they feel this impaled all the time." I remember in the Army, soldiers are taught to be responsible for attention during the long service representative or honor guard to move his toes on a regular basis to avoid bad blood circulation and the subsequent fall to the ground as a pin will probably use that trick too. They do not like to talk about and tell you if they're called, where they come from, tell their story. I tried several times to strike up a conversation with any of them but more than say "I am Russian ..." "I come from Spain," "thank you but now I can not speak," I did not know each other. Well after three hours of attempts between Piazza Fontana di Trevi and Piazza di Spagna I have "broken" and I settled for bringing home at least the photos.


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