“ Neria De Giovanni con AMALASUNTA su RAI3” Il libro di Neria De Giovanni “Amalasunta, Regina barbara” edito dalla Nemapress di Alghero, è il filo conduttore della trasmissione “10 minuti di…”, in programma martedì 1° marzo su Rai 3 alle ore 8,55. Nel documentario, edited by the sail, the author recalls, among the historical monuments of Ravenna, the outstanding figure of the Queen of the Goths, the male character but also has a deep classical culture, which fell by lot to happen in the kingdom to his Theodoric father in one of the most turbulent periods of the Middle Ages, characterized by conflicts of peoples and palace conspiracies that decreed the mysterious death.
The program, given the direction of journalist Simon Ciarapica, Rai of parliamentary services, is enriched by the participation of Anna Valli Spizzuoco, a renowned scholar of culture Ravegnana, who in his speech will offer a stimulating illustration of the persistent traces of Gothic domination still present in the traditions of Romagna.
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