LIVORNO 26 febbraio1984. L’Italia riabbraccia i suoi soldati.
Il Presidente della Repubblica Sandro Pertini si reca a Livorno per ricevere i parà della Folgore e dei Carabinieri reduci da un impegno di Pace in Libano.
Il Presidente della Repubblica Sandro Pertini a bordo della Vittorio Veneto tra i parà della Folgore e dei carabinieri
Il 26 febbraio 1984 è terminata the Italian mission, the contingent of paratroopers is commanded by then Brigadier General Franco Angioni, which was held from 24 September 1982-6 March 1984.
The average strength of the quota was about 2,300 men in 1550 for operational activities and 750 to those in business.
The overall commitment of 8,345 people were referred to 595 officers, 1,150 NCOs, 6,470 conscripts and 130 volunteer nurses. Them has turned 319 / 2, 52 special vehicles, rolling stock, 20 kitchens, 97 transport vehicles and 6 armored tracked.
During the mission there were 75 injured and one died, Philip Marò MONTESI compared with 275 U.S. and 87 French.
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Santa Barbara,
protettrice dei marinai della Marina Militare. Sempre a Livorno in quel giorno i cadetti giurano fedeltà alla Repubblica italiana . Secondo una tradizione per questa occasione a bordo delle navi si dona un mazzo di rose rosse al 1° Direttore di Tiro
L'Amerigo Vespucci
The sail of the Italian Navy three-masted 's Academy Milta built for the training of Cadets.
The pride 'and joy of our Navy launched in 1931 in the port of Genoa.
After many years of service in 2006 to 75 years after its launch had major maintenance and restoration. The foremast was replaced with all his operations. Even some sheet metal parts of the hull have been replaced.
A fact that many sailors remember: Once the Amerigo Vespucci is crossed with the American aircraft carrier USS Forrestal. The U.S. signaled a flashing message: " Who are you? "
The signal of Vespucci said," training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy, "
The U.S. response was" You are the most beautiful ship in the world "
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