Wednesday, February 23, 2011

W4 Calculator For 2009

Love means never having to say love and bent to make sure that my pipes are complied with the Navier Strokes on fluids.

Probably after watching Love Story and forced to read some newspapers yesterday and today, these were the Jean Jacques Temperino words (in the role of Rick Blaine dark) was pointing to the beautiful Nara-Illsa, caressing her cheeks and then gently pushing his head in solcobalanoprepuziale area.
We are in the storm and alarms are on the agenda. Just yesterday, heading for the scientific research carried out to hound penis , many newspapers reported the regrettable and disturbing news that the oral sex would be a possible cause of throat cancer . The risk would involve both biunivocally tamer pods that fluffy strawberry lovers. Maura Gillison, professorona final chamber pot as well as passing all his Sundays to look for diseases of cock (it must be said), advised to bring large meters Domopak which wrap their tongues before operations and armed with at least fifteen liters of oral lubricant to prevent friction burns and uterine euphoria.
We for our part we can only hope in yet another urban legend, like the one that tells of the existence of crocodiles in the sewers of Manhattan, alleged that it purports to blindness onanistic post and the vexed question about immortal and the second which should appear after three rub the genie of the lamp to fulfill three wishes.


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