Friday, March 11, 2011
Lilli Carati Una Scatenata Moglie Insaziabile
Without circled around this is too dazed expression and at the same time against the Professor in Palmira Ceciotti Robustelli after learning that Leone di Lernia inqualificabilmente has published some 37 lp. This then was the mood to see that the album has earned the distinction of Giubileone album of the year in Japan and decided to express its disapproval by issuing a NO dry with its world-famous intestinal hiatus, unfortunately because of the incredible earthquake tonight. Then
decided at a good pace to trade their three precious 1:32,16 scale reproductions of forty-five liters of Cicciolina guttalax mixed with epinefrina da far ingerire allo spregiudicato cantante con l'inganno a mo' di giudaica punizione.
Passiamo dunque biginjapanicamente al terzetto che questa settimana ha conquistato le prime posizioni della classifica più seguita del momento.
Meritatissima medaglia di bronzo , che tanta maravigliosa assonanza ha proprio con la parola stronzo, al ventitreenne fiorentino che, terminati i sei etti di crudo di parma comprati alla salumeria da Ezio, ha pensato bene di uccidere il proprio cane e prosciuttizzarne le zampe posteriori. Ovviamente il tutto è stato scoperto in virtù del suo essersene vantato sul social network, modificando, pare, il suo stato in "quanto sarà buono il coriandolo with members of the 'Dogs? ".
Silver for the old man, Woody Allen, who after the recent box office flops, he decided to shoot his next film in Italian capital. The evil is strongly rumored that the location desired because of its well-known difficulties to finance his films at home and have some possible hypotheses on the possible way forward, which could be an innovative Roman Holiday.
But the surprise is that the 'GOLD our eyes remains one who, managing to oust the podium at the Boeotian seventy-five thousand tattoos with Julia Roberts, has worked for first place with a real backlash media, which is almost a novelty for our TV listings: showing tits and ass to raise the share. This unquestionable genius intellect and swollen breasts with the two, this wonderful lover of finger pointing at the camera and the good life by the name of Muse Simona Ventura.
tapinastra The Island is seeing her bounce miserably from one day to another, more complicated programming interesting (?) Or more simply, citing one of the most famous in a tumbler made of Sartre Roman brewery in '72 ( "who you if 'ncula? ", nda), the fact that if the shit no one and therefore sets up toys worthy of an episode of Games Without Frontiers (but porn) how to recognize the competitors by a refresh button tit hand full . This television is high.
At Simon, by virtue of its debasing humana in one fell swoop the intelligentsia and the gonads of the entire male population that still has the courage to use the boob tube lerdoso in this country, should be rewarded with a liter of mash well prepared for Leone di Lernia and that we hope will be the same Ceciotti to take them rectally.
next week!
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