Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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RED EPIC and Scarlet output. Peter Jackson will use the EPIC for THE HOBBIT

Ne dà notizia il sito ufficiale www.red.com

Peter Jackson userà la RED EPIC per girare il suo nuovo film in 3D "Lo Hobbit" che sarà girato quest'anno (2011) in Nuova Zelanda.

Ricordiamo che la RED EPIC e la RED SCARLET erano state annunciate nel 2008 e dovevano essere rilasciate sul mercato a fine 2009.
Problemi tecnici hanno ritardato notevolmente l'uscita di queste due camere pronte a stravolgere completamente gli equilibri del cinema LOW and HIGTH Budget.

Ma ormai dovremmo esserci.
Jackson si dice pronto a girare con EPIC in 3D, quindi affiancante with two bedrooms, his next film The Hobbit RED announces that the first film will be shot in 3D with the EPIC. We just have to wait then.

We know that EPIC will be released in three different models, capable of recording up from 5k to 9k.
Jackson will use the first model to 5k. It is assumed therefore, that other models will be available until later.

Shortly after the release of EPIC, is due out of SCARLET, younger sister of RED capable of recording up to 3k.

now exit now seems very imminent.
Here are the specs of the new RED: (to enlarge, click on picture)

Finally, some preview images in slow motion recorded with RED:


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