Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How Long To Cure Ulcer With Ppi

that politics in Italy is more exciting to ride on a Apple Caterpillar and most exciting of all the episodes of Beautiful forty-two thousand knew already, but we can not no wonder every time I try to make us holy swallow a few spoonfuls of delicious new lerda (lerda lerda, not shit).
Our Ass Lele Mora idol always allows us to add a new exciting chapter in De Indenaticus Vertue, the apocryphal biography ugly tontolone that our aforementioned Matildo versatile artist, at this extraordinary writer, began time ago to write. Chapter 7, entitled When I ran in the PDL , do not leave too much room for the imagination of us eager and voracious readers, but there will certainly be surprises as to our hero touches compete with the 3 candidates, all of beautiful presence but dall'asinino intellect to grasp the newsboys presidential overseas, the nascent party idiosyncratic line up in the field to counter his diabolical plan of conquest of the charming hamlet of Pergola, in the municipality of Monghidoro.
After learning the news of the Three Musketeers have been expressed in a pithy and concise to the microphones of our Concezio left with cryptic statements:

"Where is my cashmere scarf?"

"I hit a secret pressure point at the base of your barnacle preputial sulcus, between eighteen minutes and a waltz born Mimongo the artichokes!"



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