Many have waited for years, others did not want us to believe. We IdiosincrasiAlterata confident we waited and finally we've got the news of the century, and all thanks to Pasquale Puddico , il nostro inviato a Los Angeles per gli Oscar. Lo zozzone infame, invece di recarsi alla premiazione come avrebbe dovuto, colto da colite pseudomembranosa aveva scaricato tutta la sua indignazione per le costolette di agnello presso il bagno situato nei pressi della hall dell'hotel Opulentia dove, a nostre spese, alloggiava e si ingozzava, la merda. Ed è li che il Puddico ha riacquistato tutta la nostra fiducia e stima riportandoci due grandi notizie:
1.Il nostro inviato non è il solo a patire di colite pseudomembranosa: il regista sognatore dalla faccia sveglia Robert Zemekis è solito visitare numerosi bagni ogni giorno ad orari inconsulti ed è per questo che ha ridotto di molto la sua film production.
2. Thanks to the strong link that forms between the patients of this rare disease, the Puddico Zemekis is able to obtain from a secret that will make you jump out of his chair: the sequel is in production of Back to the Future.
It seems that the director has decided, after seeing the masterpiece of neo-romantic Mariano Laurenti "One Scugnizzo in New York" to scrap the old man trembling Michael J Fox in favor of one of the faces that we Italians are loyal : Nino D'Angelo . It seems also that he wanted to cast in the note (bitch) Ruby Heartbreaker, in the role of the daughter of Nino, and the famous entrepreneur (jerk) Richard Lugner Role Unfortunately, the plot of Doc we were able to steal very little: the film is set in the early eighties and good Nino will travel in the future to save his daughter from the clutches of a horny premier of a loose European country. Here the first scenes, where we already see the actor Naples eleventh second try, with the help of Doc Lugner to recover from the Ruby Ball of Debuttane. It sets out a masterpiece!
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