Thanks a lot Maretta I put my personal listing! :)
I'm always happy to receive these awards! :)
Thanks a lot to Maretta who insert her into my blog list:)
I'm always very happy to receive awards! :)
The prize is to make a list of blogs that I like and I would like make known. Here is my list!
The award Consist of make a list of blogs that i really like and I want to suggest to everybody:)
For people who receive the prize:
- Accepting the prize, and write a post about
- Choose from 3 to 5 blogs that you like and you want to know by informing them they have won the prize .
-link to the post of the person who sent it to you.
The purpose of the award is to give more visibilità al vostro blog e far conoscere i nuovi blogger.
For people who receive the award:
-Acept the award and write a post about it
-Choose 3-5 blogs that you love and that you want to make known convey.
-M ake a link of my blog in your post of this award.
The purpose of this award is to give visibility to all your favorite bloggers and yours!

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